Day 22: Guest post by Robyn!

Day 22: Guest post by Robyn!

Hiya challengers.

It's me! The true founder and inspiration behind January Baby... Robyn! I hope everyone has been having a nice, outdoorsy February thus far. I feel like a few years ago, the winter time meant being inside and being in my warm bed, and reading, and doing my art, hibernating honestly. But now that I'm sort of an adult, I feel guilty if I'm inside all day, like I'm lazy and I have it too easy, especially when I work from my home. Aside from those small feelings, I just no longer want to be indoors. I miss the spring and summer, when I could go hiking and exploring with my partner, and nobody had to worry about frostbite, or chapped lips, or being cold and miserable.

websters falls

Right now I'm visiting my grandmother in small town Ontario, and there is a few nice trails nearby, and a waterfall. So yesterday I had the whole day free and decided that's what I would get up to.

My mum dropped me off at the start of one of the trails, and sent me on my merry way. I made sure to bundle up, as I knew it'd be cold, especially way up on this big hill, where I was walking. I didn't have my headphones to listen to music, or a friend to talk to, but I figured, 'eh once in a while I can do things solo' and it was really nice. I wasn't very familiar with the area, and my phone didn't have data, so I just followed along the path until I was ready to come back.

beach tree heart

It was icy at some parts, but I didn't slip! I had a great time and saw the big waterfall, and listened to some birds. Along the river I could hear the ice popping and breaking. A lot of the time, whether I'm on a quick walk, or on the train, I have my headphones in to listen to my music. Yesterday reminded me that I don't ALWAYS have to be plugged in, and if I'm listening carefully, there's lots of things to hear. Still not sure if I prefer the sounds of birds and a creek to Bon Jovi, but it's OK to take a little break.
And while I would have loved the company of one of my brothers, or my boyfriend, sometimes doing things by yourself is very nice and relaxing. 
Go outside everyone. Might be cold, but it's alright.

ruined mill

 PS Today's photo prompt: a meeting place. (interpret that as you will)

Until tomorrow-have an outdoorsy day





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