Well Challengers! Happy Valentines day. Do you have a special someone you are sharing your Valentines with? I hope so, and if you don't, drop me a line, we always have love to share over here.
Now all my kids are big kids, and Bobby homeschools, I seem to be finished with the valentines making frenzy that used to hit every February 13th. (Because you know I always left that until the last second) But I did find myself at Shoppers last night helping Thom find something for his Valentine-I think we got something pretty sweet. His future wife better thank me for all this time I'm putting into his Casanova training.
Today's Wednesday so I have my weekly walk with Cathy, but I'll fit something else in for my special Valentine...maybe even something outdoorsy...a walk to buy some chocolates maybe.
Until Tomorrow Challengers...
Have an outdoorsy Valentine's Day
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