Day 26: Guest Blog by Robyn

Day 26: Guest Blog by Robyn

Good morning Challenger.Today's post will be written by guest blogger, the amazing Robyn Redish.

Thank you for having me here as a guest on the blog Anna! And thank you for tuning in and reading today's post. To be completely honest, I have not been keeping up with Outdoors Everyday articles, but I have been going outdoors every day!

The past few days Toronto was hit with a bunch of strong winds, and signs everywhere have departed from the comfortable perches of their shops. The winds are still going, and snow was coming down as we drove to the hockey rink, which is where I am typing this from.

Earlier this month, my boyfriend, Alex, and I decided to go to Ripley's aquarium. We booked off the day from work, and when the day came to go, we realized that a massive blizzard was upon us, but we decided to make the trek anyway. The aquarium was fantastic (Alex was ecstatic about being able to touch a sting ray) and we had a lot of fun. On the way home, we walked through downtown Toronto, and it looked like a scene out of a dystopian movie. Roads were entirely deserted. 

It has been difficult for us to find things to do this winter, and we keep excited by talking about our hikes and trips we'll go on when the weather is warmer. This winter we have hibernated and snuggled and kept warm. Only a few more days of having to go outside. Wake us up in June.
Until tomorrow have an outdoorsy day.

Photo challenge from Robyn: Take a picture of a someone you love

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Also in Outdoors Everyday Challenge

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I'll leave you with this story of community and hope

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My Winter Walks
My Winter Walks

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Good For You Momma
Good For You Momma

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