Day 26: Yesterday really wasn't much of a challenge was it?

Day 26: Yesterday really wasn't much of a challenge was it?

Good morning Challengers.

Did you get outdoors yesterday? I was out 3 times, and each time with a different family about that. Although with the beautiful weather, it wasn't much of a challenge at all. (Really the challenge was staying indoors).

First, I paid my good daughter tax, going to church with my moms. I call my mom, 'my moms,' as in the royal we, because she is, literally, (if you met her you would understand) the queen of England.

dundas driving park

After church I was feeling a bit pent up and anxious so Bobby and I walked around the Driving Park, and took some pictures. Bobby commented that there were 3 boys around age 6-9 going to the park to play basketball all by themselves. I told him that's what happened in small towns, kids wander around unsupervised, with all the freedoms.

historical sign dundas

Lastly, I went to do some work at Starbucks and as I was leaving, there was Robyn taking a walk, so we walked together to the grocery store except on the way we stopped at the Carneigie art gallery, and what an exhibition we saw. If you have a chance to come to Dundas be sure to stop in. Just  wow!

It's supposed to be gorgeous weather for the next couple days, so we'll be spending more outdoorsy time, with more great pics.

Until tomorrow

Have an outdoorsy day

Oh, today's photo-a park bench, extra points if it has a saying.

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Also in Outdoors Everyday Challenge

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I'll leave you with this story of community and hope

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Good For You Momma
Good For You Momma

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