Ourdoors Everyday Challenge Day 22-Signs of Spring

Day 22
Wait what? How exactly did it happen that our little 30 day challenge is almost over. Just over a week left. I find it really enlightening to do this challenge, because it makes me really mindful of the passage of time, and how I'm spending my time. 
The rest of the week is supposed to be really warm, so I think I will do a summery activity...yeah, you know-Longboarding!!
Wish me luck, because I am in great walking shape, but terrible skateboarding shape. 
I find I have in my mind designated winter activities, and designated summer activities, but when it's 14 degrees in February, I think I will break away from my self-imposed rules. Bobby asked if he could ride his bike yesterday, so perhaps I'll skateboard over to Rona and pick up some WD40 for his bike chain.
While you're out today, see if you can find a sign of spring-extra points if you get a picture of a robin. (bird)
Until tomorrow, have an outdoorsy day.

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