Outdoors Everyday Challenge Day 28-What worked today

Outdoors Everyday Challenge Day 28-What worked today

Day 28
It is here the last few days of the challenge I may have found what I need to do. The back story is, it can be difficult for me to encourage Bobby to go outdoors everyday, he likes to stay in. So Sunday morning, when Cathy texted to see what time we were walking, she added that she would be bringing her son. I asked Bobby if he would like to join us, which he said no. Then just before we left, I told him, if he came, he could stay in for the rest of the day, and no one would bug him to go outside. He jumped at that chance, and out we went, off to the Humber. Realizing I may have stumbled onto a 'thing', this morning I was feeling ansy, and said to Bobby, I needed to go outdoors, I thought I would go longboarding for a while, and he said he wanted to come with. Off we went to Bloor street, Bobby on his scooter, I on my longboard. We got a Booster Juice (scary berry) and came home. AND, when we got home he said to me, "remember when we first started homeschooling we would have recess and go around the block, I would ride my ripstick, you would ride your longboard......that was so fun"
And that's what worked for today. 
Until tomorrow, have an outdoorsy day

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