Repost: Signs of Family Day

Repost: Signs of Family Day

Day 20 
Last year on Family Day I wrote about how strange I thought Family Day is because isn't everyday Family Day? Perhaps that was a bit cynical on my part, and I know of at least two families who have taken advantage of the long weekend to go away with their families, so I guess I should just be happy. (and I am)
I've been seeing a lot of posts of people being outdoors this weekend, with this weather it's hard to stay in (unless you're napping) My favourite thing right now besides the gorgeous weather is that I've turned off the heat, and opened up the doors and windows. I love to have fresh air in my house. I love to lie in bed under all my covers and have cold air blowing on my face. When I open my front door for the season I'm always reminded of a story a friend told me about her son saying one day as they drove past our house. "I love 
Anna's house " he said, "If the doors open-they're home; if the doors closed-they're not" 
So, know this, if you come past our house, and the doors open, come on in the coffee is on.
The prompt for today is signs. Show us some signs from your neighbourhood.

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Also in Outdoors Everyday Challenge

I'll leave you with this story of community and hope
I'll leave you with this story of community and hope

I would like to talk about something I witnessed in town over the last several weeks. As I mentioned previously, we had a Polar Vortex. It was too cold to walk to the grocery store, let alone just sit outside all day. Which is what a member of this town had been doing for months.

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My Winter Walks
My Winter Walks

I am just back from a walk along the country road where I live, a road bordered by fields and stands of trees. My intention was to get some exercise, which meant covering some distance at a reasonable pace. My intention is important, as it affects many other choices: type of shoes, clothing, walking poles, water, binoculars, camera etc.

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Good For You Momma
Good For You Momma

 After stopping for the dogs to poop and stopping to change Jett’s diaper (twice) we were off!! We walked through a sunny meadow, climbed up the frozen cascades and returned via a side trail that skirted the riverbank. Bliss. 

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