Outdoors Everyday Challenge Day 6

Outdoors Everyday Challenge Day 6

So now I'm wondering, what inspires me to go outside. hmmmmmmm. I'm not sure. Having a walking friend is a big part of it. Living close to parks and beautiful places to walk helps too. Now I'm really thinking, 'what inspires me to go outdoors?'  Tomorrow I'll tell you my answer.....or more like answers.

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Outdoors Everyday Day 5

Outdoors Everyday Day 5

Outdoors Everyday Day 5-Take a picture of a bird-double points if it's a penguin!

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Day 4-it'll have to be a tree stump

Day 4-it'll have to be a tree stump

Who knew a tree cutting crew could come with such life lessons, my mom, that's who!

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Day 3 Take a picture of a backyard

Day 3 Take a picture of a backyard

Day 3 Take a picture of a backyard. Your backyard, your neighbours backyard, an old friend's backyard.......


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Day 2-Take a long distance picture

Day 2-Take a long distance picture

Day 2 photo prompt-take a picture from a long distance.


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Day 1 Take a picture of something broken

Day 1 Take a picture of something broken

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xxlarge 3-4 years

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large 2-4 years


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small 12-18 months
medium 18-24 months
large 2-3 years
xlarge 3-4 years