It made me think, is this what it has come to, that us winter, outdoors, cold air loving people are now some sort of alternative fringe group. Maybe people are afraid to admit they love winter. Well, I for one am going to stand proud and announce right here:
Even though February was longer than usual this year, it felt like it went by faster, maybe it was the warm weather, with yesterday being the coldest day we had all month. Maybe just the busyness of it, maybe my kids are bigger now, I'm not struggling being shut indoors with Littles. Whichever it was I hope the challenge helped you get through the month too.
Until next year Challengers...have an outdoorsy day.
xsmall 3-6 months
small 6-12 months
medium 12-18 months
large 18-24 months
xlarge 2-3 years
xxlarge 3-4 years
small 6- 12 months
medium 12-24 months
large 2-4 years
xsmall 6-12 months
small 12-18 months
medium 18-24 months
large 2-3 years
xlarge 3-4 years